The Chapel Worship Experience
We warmly welcome you to join us in Sunday Worship. We have two unique worship styles at the Chapel, but we are one grateful family! Our worship services are ordered in such a way that the Gospel story is proclaimed anew each week through the elements of Word and sacrament, creed and confession, prayer and song, with each service having its distinctive way of doing so. We invite you to join us and find the service that fits you and your household the best.
Traditional Worship – 9 am
Features hymns, Chancel Choir, liturgy, preaching from the Bible, and Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
This service is available via live video streaming.
Nursery is available.
Contemporary Worship – 11:15 am
An informal yet reverent chapel service that provides preaching from the Bible and Holy Communion each Sunday with music led by the Amelia Chapel Praise Team.
This service is available via live video streaming.
Nursery is available.