Biblical Education by Extension (BEE) World
BEE World is an interdenominational mission organization that addresses the growing pastoral leadership shortage by providing seminary-level biblical training to church leaders in restricted areas of Asia, Africa and the Middle East who would otherwise have no access to this type of training.
Daystar University
Daystar University is located in Nairobi, Kenya. It is a fast-growing Christian University offering undergraduate degrees and advanced studies with Master’s Programs and Doctoral Programs. It is a Christ-centered university with a mission to educate leader-servants for the Kingdom. Academic programs range from the very popular and much-needed nursing curricula to degrees in engineering, law, business administration, and social sciences. With a recent graduating class of 1,400 young men and women, Daystar is becoming an international leader in sending out Christian disciples who will successfully promote change and solve social, cultural, and economic issues in their country and on the continent.
Evangelical Theological Seminary of Cairo
The Evangelical Theological Seminary of Cairo (ETSC), Egypt, was founded in 1863 when courageous Presbyterian missionaries used a houseboat to sail between Aswan and Cairo. They taught students by day and evangelized the villages by night. That same missionary spirit lives today at ETSC, as it trains 700+ students for ministry and church leadership roles. As the largest and most influential seminary in the Middle East, it focuses on training both lay and ordained ministers who are committed to planting and strengthening churches. At ETSC, theological education is not merely an academic destination but a path to spiritual transformation. Your Chapel outreach has supported ETSC with an M. Dive scholarship since 2021 and, prior to that, with contributions to the ETSC general operating fund.
Finding Freedom through Friendship
Finding Freedom through Friendship (FFF) is a non-profit organization established in 2009 to empower women and children in endemic deprivation to reverse the yoke of poverty. This is accomplished by providing shelter, nutrition, education, economic skills, and spiritual guidance. FFF operates at several locations in Guatemala and Egypt.
Global Media Outreach
Using modern social media, Global Media Outreach (GMO) invites people from around the world to know Christ. Responding to ads on cellphones, GMO teaches people about the Bible and Jesus Christ, recording over 30,000 commitments to Christ every day. Real-time activity may be viewed at their website.
The Haggai Institute
The vision of Haggai International is to see every nation redeemed and transformed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the core of their mission are strategically positioned national leaders who are multiplying their influence with one purpose in mind — to end Gospel poverty. Their mission is to equip and inspire those leaders to demonstrate and present the Gospel of Jesus Christ more effectively and prepare others to do the same. Since 1969 Haggai International has equipped over 150,000 leaders who are advancing the Gospel in 189 nations
Living Hope for Children
Established in 2004, this indigenous orphan rescue organization in Uganda, East Africa, cares for 1,000 children in its program, taking them in as early as age five and raising them to be educated, passionate, God-centered leaders. Living Hope for Children’s vision is to see orphans and other vulnerable children in Uganda achieve their full potential and impact their communities for Christ. This is achieved through orphan rescue, education, health services, and discipleship. Teams from the US visit Living Hope for Children regularly.
Kelby’s Kids
Heroes of our Christian Faith can be found in all corners of the globe. In Haiti, there is one hero who works day and night to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the poorest children in the Western Hemisphere. His name is Kelby of Kelby’s Kids. He is a one-man operation working at ground level in the streets of the impoverished neighborhoods of Haiti. He is not simply trying to save young and desperately ill lives but he is front and center with medical skills and supplies to save lives for Christ. In a country that appears to be synonymous with darkness and desperation, Kelby’s Kids is there to bring God’s light and love.
Medical Assistance Programs
Based in Brunswick, Georgia, Medical Assistance Programs (MAP) is a Christian global health organization serving over 130 countries. It provides medicines and supplies to hospitals, clinics, refugee centers and local physicians. Travel Pack medicine kits are used by Christian health personnel and mission groups on short-term assignments. Rapid response to humanitarian emergencies is a major focus of MAP. Chapel volunteers frequently go to MAP to assist in preparing medical kits for shipment.
Mission of Hope International (MOHI)
Mission of Hope Int’l was founded in March 2000 by Pastor Lex Edme and his
wife, Renee, to work with the people of Haiti, fulfilling the Great Commission
as the hands and feet of Jesus. After planting a church, they added schools in
Grand-Goave and St. Etienne. They are providing health care and baby
feeding programs, as well as Christian education and employment for local
people. They have expanded into the Dominion Republic to Haitian communities and places of refuge where Haitians fleeing Haiti have gone.
They are promoting community health, baby feeding programs, building, and
providing clean water in these very poor and needy communities. On the Dominican side, they have established the “Bless Back Business Academy” and partnering the churches to bring leadership training and an annual citywide outdoor Christian Crusade. They regularly plan and host mission trips to both countries.
wife, Renee, to work with the people of Haiti, fulfilling the Great Commission
as the hands and feet of Jesus. After planting a church, they added schools in
Grand-Goave and St. Etienne. They are providing health care and baby
feeding programs, as well as Christian education and employment for local
people. They have expanded into the Dominion Republic to Haitian communities and places of refuge where Haitians fleeing Haiti have gone.
They are promoting community health, baby feeding programs, building, and
providing clean water in these very poor and needy communities. On the Dominican side, they have established the “Bless Back Business Academy” and partnering the churches to bring leadership training and an annual citywide outdoor Christian Crusade. They regularly plan and host mission trips to both countries.
Pate Ministries
Pate Ministries, founded by Dena and Gary Pate along with their daughter, Heather. They are missionaries to the children of Ecuador- sharing the Gospel in the Andes Mountains and the Pacific coast of Ecuador. Pate Ministries shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with bible clubs in rural villages where there is little or no Gospel presence. They currently minister to 1,000-1,300 kids and adults a month with nine (9) monthly or weekly kids bible clubs, one (1) youth and (1) ladies bible club in eleven (11) rural communities They also do several humanitarian projects each year including construction, clothes, and food distribution.
Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief
The Chapel is listed as a “Church Partner” for Samaritan’s Purse and for many years has supported their disaster relief responses throughout the world – wars, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. The Chapel’s support is usually focused on immediate disaster needs such as emergency hospitals, medical and food supplies. Their disaster relief programs always involve the local churches to help them spread the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.
South America Mission
The South America Mission (SAM) Recife Redemptive Mission started in 2008 in the Dois Unidos metropolitan area of Recife, Brazil. SAM is a ministry working with churches of various denominations. From its offices in Recife, SAM developed activities focused on theological studies, a music school, basic computer courses, English as a second language, and a soccer program. SAM recently opened a new retreat facility for both pastoral care and biblical study training to serve multiple churches in the area.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Headquartered in Orlando, Florida, Wycliffe was started over 70 years ago to translate the Bible into every language in the world. So far, they have completed 500 language translations and estimate an additional 2000 are needed. Their goal is to have a translation in progress for every language needing access to the Bible by 2025. Their motto is “Their eternity is in your hands.” We also support its missionaries who are directly involved in Wycliffe learning programs and in the development of worldwide relationships.
Samaritan's purse- operation christmas child
Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse that shares God's love by delivering reusable shoeboxes filled with small gifts to children around the world. Amelia Plantation Chapel is honored to participate in this ministry each year by packing shoeboxes with toys, scripture supplies, and other essentials. But it is more than packing shoe boxes- it is knowing that every shoebox carries the hope of Christ to children around the world. It is an opportunity to remind children worldwide that they are loved by God.
Kenya PArtners
When Kenya Partners founder, Diane Hamrick (now an Amelia Island resident), and two friends from High Point, NC, went on an exploratory mission trip to Kenya in 2006 for their local church,, they were deeply moved by the suffering they saw there, caused by the lack of adequate and affordable medical care. They committed to raising funds to build a small clinic. They also realized that an education was the only way out of poverty for children they saw everywhere. Kenya Partners also began building a school for grades K-12 and two preschools. Today, that little clinic has accredited hospital status and offers 24/7 healthcare, a maternity wing, and other medical services. Children in all preschools enjoy a daily lunch, and they also feed other children when resources
permit. Kenya Partners is now feeding over 1000 children every day. The Betty Roberts Education Centre K-12) offers a superior Christian education where 550 children, both boarders and day students, attend the school.
permit. Kenya Partners is now feeding over 1000 children every day. The Betty Roberts Education Centre K-12) offers a superior Christian education where 550 children, both boarders and day students, attend the school.
Four Directions Ministry Council
Four Directions Ministry Council is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, with a Board of Directors, the majority of whom are Native American. Four Directions was founded in 2020, growing out of a strong desire to reach into Native communities. Four Directions is represented in various locations across North America, with its Home Office located on Amelia Island, Florida. Their purpose is to identify and bring together Indigenous leaders of Christian faith who share a common faith story as well as a common cultural story. Four Directions Ministry Council empowers Indigenous leaders doing Indigenous work to advance new ministries, in the name of Jesus Christ, plant new churches, and transform leaders by equipping them for the ministry and then coming alongside them financially to support their work. Jeb Bland serves as the Executive Director of this ministry