Discipleship Profile Of Amelia Plantation Chapel

 “To develop mature Christians who compassionately respond to the needs of others.”

Dear Chapel Family,

Our Chapel’s Vision Statement is  “To develop mature Christian disciples who compassionately respond to the needs of others.” So, what does a “mature Christian” discipleship profile look like in the life of a Chapel Member? Well, here are some of my thoughts on what God is calling us to be and do as we apply the Lordship of Jesus Christ to our lives.
One more point, we will use this Discipleship Profile as a Chapel “Lens” to keep us on track with our Vision and also as a “Metric” of whether or not we are actually growing in Christian maturity and in Christ’s compassion.
With the Lord Jesus as our Shepherd,
Dr. Ken Jones/Senior Pastor

Jesus Our First Love

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is our First Love. We love the Triune God because He first loved us. We proclaim Christ and Him crucified. Our joy is knowing Jesus personally and following Him always for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John14:6). Jesus is our perfect Prophet, Priest, and King who shed His precious blood for us on the Cross and is the Risen One who is coming again in glory!

Bible Engagement

Each person has a daily practice of personal prayer (Mark 1:35) and reading of the Word of God (Psalm 1:2) in order to experience a time of intimate devotions with the Lord (Proverbs 8:34). Living in light of our identity in Christ as new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17) who are accepted in the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6), listening to the Word of God preached in worship and taught in Bible studies. Becoming more like Christ by growing in the Grace and Truth of our Lord Jesus through Faith, Hope, and Love.

Seeking God in Christ

The Chapel is dedicated to the glory of God so we treasure worshiping with God’s gathered people and being edified by Biblical Fellowship at the Chapel each Sunday; daily seeking God through prayer and thanksgiving, while living in a way that pleases God by “each contributing our time, talents, and treasures” to Him.

Great Commandment Church

We love the Lord and we love our neighbors. Putting our spiritual gift(s) to use in worshiping the Kingly Trinity and serving others for the Kingdom of God consists of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Great Commission Church

Equipped to share the Gospel with all. Our God is a missionary God, so “each a minister; each a missionary.” Inviting an unchurched person to attend a church service/program because the church exists for the benefit of its non-members, so everything we do is about joyfully helping people discover the light and love of Jesus Christ.

Following Jesus and Denying Self

Joyful to celebrate Christ’s life throughout the church year from Advent to Pentecost, so He gets the glory as we follow in His footsteps. Obeying God, repenting of negative attitudes; demonstrating a humble, teachable spirit with a demeanor of sweet reasonableness. Dedicated to finishing life well–aligned with God’s glory, gospel and plan.

Exercising Faith

Trusting God in difficult circumstances; believing God has a purpose for one’s life. Desperately dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life worthy of our heavenly call. Believing that authentic biblical Christianity will be blessed by God.

Integrity In Relationships

Dedicated to Shepherding hearts to the green pastures of God’s Word. Getting together with other Christians by participating in biblical fellowship. Praying for others, loving others, mentoring others, living ethically, and sharing our story of how Christ saved us. Committed to not being narrow, nasty, and negative. Rather, communicating truth in love while protecting the church’s peace, purity, and unity.

Interdenominational Family

Respecting all Christian denominations, yet rejoicing in being a “Christ-Centered, Bible-Based, and Ministry-Focused Chapel Family.” Committed to balanced Christianity as expressed in the motto, “In-Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials, Liberty; In All-Things, Love.” Acknowledging that we do not have it all together; but together in Christ, we have it all.

Guardians of the Gospel

On the authority of God’s Word alone, we believe that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone. Together, these truths form the foundation of and the guardrails for God’s household of faith. We will guard the Gospel and hold forth the Word of Life to all (Philippians 2:16).